Why is Winning the TicketSwap Lottery So Difficult?

People holding festival tickets and others trying to obtain oneWe’ve all experienced it: the suspense of waiting for that one notification, the hope of securing a coveted festival ticket, and then the ultimate disappointment when we miss out once again. TicketSwap, a leading platform in the secondary ticket market, has introduced a lottery system that promises to offer a fairer and more democratic process for ticket purchase. But why does it seem that some, despite repeated attempts, never find luck on their side? Why do you never win a ticket on TicketSwap? Why do you always miss out?

About Odds: Why Winning is So Difficult

When you participate in a TicketSwap lottery with 500 participants, your chances of winning are 1 in 500, or 0.2%. This percentage may seem small on its own, but what happens when you participate repeatedly?

Farshad Bashir
Farshad Bashir

Suppose you enter 100 separate lotteries, each with 500 participants. Many mistakenly believe that their chances of winning increase linearly, making them feel that they’re almost guaranteed to win at least once. However, probability theory paints a different picture. The odds of not winning after 100 attempts are 0.998100, which still equates to a significant likelihood of 81.9%.

Now, if you decide to go further and participate 347 times, you’ll reach a point where the cumulative chance of winning at least once is just over 50%. This means that even after 347 entries, there’s still almost a 50% chance you won’t win anything.

For a larger number of participants, such as 1,000, these odds get even smaller. The base chance of winning is 0.1%, and the number of attempts required to reach a 50% cumulative chance of winning becomes much higher (693 times).

These calculations reveal a hard truth about games of chance and lotteries: even repeated participation doesn’t guarantee success. In fact, it can lead to a trap of expectations where individuals believe their odds of winning increase linearly with each try. This is a misconception. In reality, the odds remain the same with each separate entry, and past losses don’t increase the chances of future wins.

These insights are part of a broader understanding of probability theory and the role of randomness. While human psychology tends to look for patterns and believe in the idea of ‘luck’, math shows that outcomes are often much less predictable than we’d like.


Beyond traditional probability, there are additional challenges that intensify the perception of “always losing”. These challenges involve user tactics that push the boundaries of the platform and ethics.

Take, for example, the strategy of creating multiple accounts. A user who decides to not create just one, but ten accounts for a lottery with 500 participants drastically changes the dynamics. Instead of having a 0.2% chance with one account, with ten accounts, this user would collectively have about a 2% chance. This shift can seem unfair to the average user participating with only one account.

Then there are bots. After repeated losses, an individual might feel participating in the lottery is futile. Bots, however, don’t know discouragement. They can continuously participate, 24/7, tirelessly, even when their human counterparts are asleep.

What’s even more concerning is that advanced bots can not only outlast human stamina but can also be used to quickly create multiple accounts. This means bots can combine the tactic of multiple accounts with their resilience, posing a double threat to honest users.

Leveraging assistance from friends is another tactic that comes into play. This can lead to feelings of inequality, potentially making the system less democratic than intended.

Together, these factors shape an online environment where chance becomes only a part of the story. With the rise of bots and the strategy of multiple accounts, securing a festival ticket becomes about more than just luck.

The Psychology of Winning and Losing

When we participate in a lottery or contest, our perceptions and emotions have a significant influence on how we interpret the outcome. This plays a pivotal role in our experience with TicketSwap.

Firstly, there’s the phenomenon of “loss aversion”. This concept suggests that individuals react more painfully to a loss than they respond positively to a gain of equivalent value. If you repeatedly participate in TicketSwap lotteries and don’t win, each loss is felt and accumulates, leading to a feeling that you’re constantly “losing”, even if the actual odds of winning are low.

Then, there’s the notion of “confirmation bias”. If you already believe you never win or that the system is somehow against you, you’re likely inclined to seek and remember evidence supporting this belief while simultaneously ignoring instances where you might have won or where others have also lost.

Moreover, human nature tends to compare. If you have friends or acquaintances who do secure tickets on TicketSwap, this can amplify feelings of misfortune or injustice. We often compare ourselves to others.

It’s also essential to note that our brain frequently looks for patterns, even when they don’t exist. This is known as “apophenia”. After losing several times, your brain might unconsciously recognize a pattern where there might be none, leading to the belief that there’s an inherent reason you keep losing.

In essence, even though the actual chance of winning at TicketSwap lotteries can be objectively calculated, our own perceptions, expectations, and emotions play a important role in how we experience these odds. This can result in a heightened feeling of perpetual loss, even if the math suggests it might merely be a matter of bad luck.

Perceptions Can Have Serious Consequences

For a platform like TicketSwap, these perceptions can have serious implications for their market position. When users feel like they are repeatedly drawing the short straw, it can lead to growing frustration and dissatisfaction. This sentiment can quickly be shared on social media and within personal networks, potentially generating a negative reputation for the platform.

Even if the platform operates fairly and actively works against misuse, the spread of these negative perceptions can erode trust in their user base. In a competitive market, this loss of trust can encourage users to seek alternative platforms perceived as “fairer.”

It’s thus important for TicketSwap not only to ensure fair odds but also to be transparent in their communication and actively address their users’ perceptions and concerns.

Lottery Has Pros and Cons

TicketSwap’s lottery model aims to establish a fairer and more democratic system for ticket distribution. However, as discussed earlier, there are both advantages and disadvantages attached to it.

The lottery method removes the speed factor, meaning tickets don’t necessarily go to those with the fastest internet connection or the best bots. Instead, everyone, regardless of when they sign up, has an equal shot. This can be seen as fairer, especially for those who might not have the resources or technical skills to compete in a ‘first come, first served’ system.

On the flip side, there’s an element of randomness in a lottery, which can lead to frustration and feelings of powerlessness. This can be particularly true if you repeatedly participate and don’t win. The unpredictability of a lottery can make it feel as if the platform is working against you, even if it’s merely a matter of statistics.

Moreover, it should be noted that lotteries, though designed to be fair, can still be manipulated by those with the means and motivation to do so. As previously mentioned, bots and the creation of multiple accounts by a single individual can compromise the system’s integrity.

The Reason You Don’t Win

TicketSwap, with their lottery model, attempts to address the challenges of fair ticket distribution. No system, however, is flawless. While the lottery model has the potential to democratize the ticket-selling process, there are still hurdles and potential loopholes that need attention. The real question isn’t so much whether the lottery model is perfect but if it’s a step forward towards a fairer and more transparent process for everyone.

For those wondering, “Why don’t I ever win?”, it’s essential to realize that lotteries, no matter how they’re designed, always contain an element of chance. And that chance isn’t high! With knowledge and understanding of the system, you can adjust your expectations accordingly.

About the author: Farshad Bashir combines his passion for entrepreneurship with tax advice at Taksgemak to assist businesses and individuals with the complex world of tax regulations. He simplifies the complicated and ensures his clients stay on track. Before diving into the consulting world, he was a member of the Dutch Parliament. This combination of political experience and tax knowledge makes him an excellent partner for anyone.

People holding festival tickets and others trying to obtain one